Why Mr Mark?


Mr Mark is based on strong enduring partnerships with educational institutions and businesses in Indonesia.

We pride ourselves on delivering successful presentation writing workshops to students and career professionals to improve their writing skills with passion, confidence and influence.

With over 25 years experience of professional writing in both Australia and Indonesia in the fields of the Australian media, corporate communications and various publicity roles in Jakarta (since 1994), director Mark Richardson has generated a unique understanding of the Indonesian culture that remains the underlying strength to his presentation content, style and teaching methods.

Since 2014, Mr Mark have worked closely with Indonesian university rectors, lecturers, school teachers and students, to package a range of writing workshops and presentations that maintain high levels of student attention, interaction and skill development. They are tailored programs for beginners, intermediate and professional business writers that instill self-confidence, and deliver results.

Mark’s expertise has generated endorsement of the Australian Federal Government providing him the opportunity to extensively tour Indonesia and has since presented to over 5,000 students, conducted periodic workshops and privately mentored students and business professionals to up-skill and write with purpose, direction and voice.

Mr Mark is back in 2022 and beyond. Write on…

Our credentials speak for themselves.

The team.

  • Mark Richardson – Founder and Director.

    Mark founded the business – Mr Mark, following his successful writing career and business consulting spanning 25 years in communications, publicity and the media.

    With hundreds of published articles and feature stories, Mark continues to bring his wealth of highly diverse writing skills and publishing expertise to the future writers of Indonesia through engaging seminars, writing workshops and Zoom sessions.

    Publishing highlights 2004-2014
    - Editor of Melbourne Media publications 3004 NEWS (6 years)
    - Editor Melbourne City Living Guide (6 years)
    - Feature writer for Mag Media publications – 3008 Docklands magazine, Essendon Fields Newspaper (5 years)
    - Feature writer Melbourne’s Japanese Lifestyle Newspaper (1 year)
    - Editor Freemasons Victoria magazine (1 year)
    - Weekly Newspaper Columnist – Melbourne Observer Newspaper ‘Porch Thoughts’ (4 years)
    - Weekly E-Zine Columnist – Media City, United Kingdom ‘International Porch Thoughts’ (1.5 years)

  • Christine Hajdic – Operations Manager.

    Christine joined Mr Mark in 2018 and continues to take a collaborative approach by working closely with educational institutions in Indonesia to bring the Mr Mark’s seminars and workshops to life.

    With over 20 years experience in operations management in multiple industries including events, travel and various lifestyle consulting projects, Christine drives the dialogue between Jakarta and Melbourne to deliver timely, functional and professional events and manages contractual agreements, budgets, scheduling, marketing and publicity of the Mr Mark business in Indonesia.

    Career Highlights
    - Event Organiser of Kabinawa Indonesia
    - Client Travel Guide Management (Bali)
    - Business Consultant and Trainer HDI Business
    - Skin Consultant and Advisor for Bskin Indonesia
    - MC for online an onsite events (Indonesia & Malaysia)